We welcomed Sarah Denzil to the Sunday Woman sofa and asked her our ten probing questions. No one escapes the prying minds of the Sunday Woman readers. Sarah was a true sport and gave us answers to all.
We wish her well in the promotion of her new book, Silent Child which you can find on Amazon.
- What is your earliest childhood memory?
I have to confess to having a terrible memory, so a lot of my early memories are probably influenced by pictures I’ve seen in photo albums. I think it might be being at a country horse show when I was three or four. I learnt to ride a pony when I was three and was almost always the youngest kid in the class.
- Who was your best friend at school, please describe them. Are you in touch now?
We moved house when I was about ten to a small village in Derbyshire. The girl next door was my age and also went to the same school so we became really good friends pretty quickly. We’re in touch via Facebook these days but not the best buds we used to be due to teenage girl hormones and silly spats taking over (mostly my fault – sorry!).
- Did you have a trouble free teenage life? If not, why?
I was a bit of a swot at school who didn’t tend to get into much trouble. Our village was pretty small and isolated with not a lot going on. When I first started at university I didn’t have a clue what it was going to be like. On my first night I was too excited to be alone so I could read a book, completely forgetting to go out and make friends!
- What has been the biggest change in your life so far?
The biggest change I’ve ever made is leaving my job to be a full-time writer. It was a change that needed to be made for my own mental wellbeing and possibly the best decision I ever made.
- Have you made any enemies along your way? How have you dealt with them?
I don’t think so. I hope not anyway! If I have, they’re lurking in the shadows. My way of dealing with drama is to take a step back and let it all play out without me involved. When a lot of your job involves dealing with people on the internet, it can be tempting to lash out when someone turns unpleasant, but the easiest way of dealing with people like that is to ignore them.
- Do you have a best friend? Who is it? (If you’d rather not mention names, please just describe the person).
As a newlywed, I would have to say my husband!
- If we were to grant you a wish to change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
Just one thing? I’ve got a list way longer than that! In all seriousness, I would change my propensity for overeating in a heartbeat. At thirty-three, I’m still learning to curb my bad habits.
- What do you think is the key to happiness?
Finding purpose, even if it’s in the shape of a hobby, or a person to care for. We all need something to occupy our minds. Once our minds are busy, we’re happy.
- What makes you get out of bed in the morning?
Breakfast! And writing.
- What are you doing currently? Please briefly describe your busiest day.
Right now I’m working on my fourth psychological thriller. At the same time, I’m working to promote my most recent book release, Silent Child, which was not only self-published through Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP), but also the bestselling eBook on Amazon for the first half of 2017. On a typical day I’ll be answering emails, posting on my social media accounts about my current books, talking to book cover designers, arranging translations with my agent, and trying to fit in my word count on the new book.
Sarah’s new book Silent Child is available on Amazon here. To find out more about independent publishing via Kindle Direct Publishing, click here.