
Most of our advertisers have been invited to join us on Sunday Woman. We have a strict policy of providing great content that isn’t interrupted by useless ads. We understand how frustrating it is for a reader to be assaulted with pop ups and images when all they want to do is relax and read the article.

This is why we only allow a few advertisers at a time. We choose our advertisers carefully and make sure they are a great match for the magazine. We never make our readers click through ads to get to the main event, and we never fill our pages with advertisements that are unnecessary.

When Sunday Woman was born, we set out to create a magazine that was fun, relaxing, intelligent for women over 30. Today, we still provide this complete experience and we’re committed to keeping it as advertisement free as possible.

This means that if you do advertise with Sunday Woman Magazine, your ad stands out from the crowd. It’s not swamped in click bait, it’s there for when the reader needs you. This not only improves your reputation (as many ads can frustrate the customer leading to them abandoning a brand) it also ensures you receive incredible conversion rates as our readers will almost definitely click with an intention to buy.

Who Our Readers Are

If you are considering advertising with Sunday Woman Magazine, please first research our readers to learn a little about who you will be advertising to. Our readers are intelligent, they’re affluent, they have a high disposable income and many are successful career women. They may, or may not be parents, but they all have one thing in common, they deserve to relax on a Sunday with good, uninterrupted media, and shopping experiences that make life easier.

If you tick these boxes for our readers, please do get in touch. There is a waiting list for advertisements, but with over 15,000 unique visitors per month, it’s well worth it.

We have opportunities for guest posts, block advertising and a few banner advertising opportunities coming up.

Please contact editor at Sundaywoman dot com for a media pack and rate card

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