Submit Product for Review

We conduct a lot of product reviews as our readers love to shop. We never recommend a product without testing it first and to ensure we always give an unbiased review, we don’t charge or take money for reviewing a product.

Our product reviews are honest, if we don’t like a product, we won’t recommend it in our articles. Occasionally we will come across a product that really blows us away, and ticks all the boxes for quality, value and style. In these instances, we will give out our Top Product Award.

If you see a product reviewed by Sunday Woman magazine, you can shop at ease, safe in the knowledge that our team has vigorously tested the product and are confident you will be happy with. It’s for this reason that we never test loan products. Loan products have broken in our care before now when we’ve rigorously tested. We only test products that we can keep, and if suitable, after use, we’ll offer them up in a social media giveaway or donate to the local hospitals and schools.

How to Submit a Product for Review

If you have a great product that needs more exposure, you can submit it to the Sunday Woman Magazine for review. Please note, we can’t guarantee entry, as if we feel the product is not of good value, we won’t recommend it to our readers.

We receive a lot of products every week in various categories and so, it can take time to review yours. please do be patient. If the review is needed urgently, please let us know and we’ll do our best to accommodate.

What You Receive from a Sunday Woman Magazine Product Review

We can review your product independently or as part of one of our many gift guides. You will receive original feedback that you can use anywhere in your own advertising. You’ll also receive endorsement from Sunday Woman Magazine, alongside a Reviewed and Approved badge. You can use this on your website, or on any packaging and advertising materials.

We also have opportunities for paid advertising spots although these require you to be added to a waiting list. Please get in touch if you would like to be considered as an advertiser on Sunday Woman.

Please also see our product review submission terms and conditions before submitting a product to review. We have guidelines to make the product review process easier for both parties.