Privacy Policy

Sunday Woman has never collected your data or enabled cookies on this site. Your privacy is very important to us. This is a free space where you can read anonymously and be yourself. However, recently we’ve realised that to keep the magazine going we need to make a little money to cover costs. Not a lot. Just enough to cover web hosting and maintenance. Our writers write for free, so they can have their voice heard.

This is why we’ve been experimenting with Google AdSense, not on the homepage but around the site, to make a few pennies to cover costs. We didn’t want to do it and for 10 years we’ve prided ourselves on offering an ad free environment but we’re now in a position where the site needs to pay for itself. Nothing more.

Google AdSense will probably track your activity depending on your own privacy settings in Google. Please do familiarise yourself with their terms and conditions, privacy and data protection if you’re at all worried.

Data We DO Collect

When you subscribe to our newsletter we do collect your name and email address. This is stored in an encrypted manner and NEVER passed to any third parties or used to mislead you in any way. In fact we rarely even send newsletters however we do really appreciate you subscribing. Thank you.

Our Ethos

Sunday Woman will always be a safe space for you to air your views, to browse without fear of recognition, to relax, enjoy and read without worrying about privacy, data and, in most cases, ads. We are completely free, we won’t try to sell you anything, we simply want to share our thoughts, our great finds and our opinions with you. Policy