Bonnie Blue has recently hit the headlines and become the most talked about woman in the world after claiming she slept with 1057 men in one day. It is a free country, no hate here, but it has caused quite the backlash, something Bonnie is counting on. The hate fills her bank with all the money she needs to live a glamorous, rich lifestyle but how long will that life really last?
I’m not here to scald Bonnie Blue for her scathing comments towards wives and girlfriends, or to pour hate on her sticky marathon that saw men lining up wearing blue balaclavas in boxer shorts down some shoddy paint chipped stairs in a supposed mansion. I don’t even want to respond to her comments that every single man deserves daily fellatio or that all women expect their husband to provide while they stay in the kitchen. There’s no point. She has no understanding of real relationships, she attributes everything to sex and she’s also stuck in the dark ages as she seems to think she’s the only woman that can make money.
The hate brings her comments which equal engagement which equal clicks and cash. She’s loving it and she’ll carry on being more and more outrageous to keep all eyes on her and not her competitors. There is obviously a moral question in all of this, what she did was perfectly legal but it does turn many people’s stomachs. It’s also hard to comprehend that many men being satisfied with just 40 seconds each (that doesn’t include any breaks).
How Did Bonnie Blue Satisfy 1000 Men with Just One Minute Each?
It can take the average man unto four minutes to climax so how on earth did Bonnie Blue make all of them climax in 40 seconds or less? She’s attractive, but she’s not a flesh light! Is her pelvic floor as sturdy as titanium or, the more probable, quite disturbing scenario, did the men start pleasuring themselves while in the queue? According to reports it’s the latter. When Lisa Sparks took the record for 919 men in one day there were “flutterers” in the queue helping the men come close to climax so when their time came they exploded which is a problem for sexually transmitted diseases…
How Did Bonnie Blue Stay Aroused for 12 Hours?
The simple answer is, she didn’t. She used lube, She probably dissociated and went through the motions, she may have taken something to help with arousal but although the men climaxed regularly, there is no chatter about any orgasm from Bonnie Blue. Not one word. Which leads me to believe she was thoroughly used whether she consented or not. At this point her body is a vessel, it’s not connected to her mind and sex is one sided, quite pointless, which is what we’ve been trying to eradicate for years. It’s only in the last 30 years that women’s orgasms have become just as important as a man’s. In fact in many men’s minds it doesn’t matter if the woman orgasms or not and this isn’t restricted to those men who are 50 plus! It’s the new generation, watching porn, believing a woman should be happy as long as she’s being serviced. It’s the misinformation that all women orgasm through penetration which is just not true. If Bonnie orgasmed through penetration and had even 10 orgasms to the 1000 men she would have been so sensitive that any touch would hurt. It’s not physically possible. She may have slept with 1000 men, allegedly, but she didn’t achieve fulfilment. I feel very sorry for her but she’s making money and maybe that delivers more tingly feelings and climaxes than a cock ever could? She’s literally making a mockery out of these vagina hungry, desperate, sex starved males.
The Sexually Transmitted Diseases Bonnie Blue Has
If we do the maths, if we assume many started themselves off in the queue before putting on a condom, the chances of Bonnie Blue receiving at least one sexually transmitted disease is 100%. Condoms are only 99% effective, and don’t stop all STIs, so all 1057 would have to be squeaky clean for her to escape unscathed. It’s a fact.
Condoms will not protect against:
- Crabs – yes, pubic lice, literal insects crawling all over your pubic hair. Even if Bonnie had a Hollywood wax these lice can burrow, she could also contract scabies which dig under the skin.
- Herpes – Condoms don’t cover balls and balls can have herpes that are very easily transmitted during sex.
Condoms may protect against Gonorrhoea, Chlamydia, Syphilis, HIV and AIDs but only 99% of the time and that’s if a condom didn’t break. Out of 1057 condoms one must have broken. there must have been one depraved man in the queue who put holes in it hoping to impregnate the most famous woman in the world. It’s not a Bice though but these people are out there and when you are interacting with such a huge group there’s a very high chance that at least 1% will be sociopaths, if not psychopaths.
In summary, don’t hate on Bonnie Blue, her own psych and sexual health will do that for you. Only hate if you want her to receive more fame, more money and a larger platform for her weird ideas about modern relationships. Just thank god it wasn’t you.